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الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2016

The Numerous Advantages Of Reading

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:19 ص
By Cynthia Wallace

Most people agree with the fact that it is good to read even though they do not create time for it. People derive the benefits of reading when they actually partake in the act. Some of the reasons why people are encouraged to read include the need to be more creative and have a sense of direction in their lives.

Doing this consistently makes one better at it. A child who reads all the time grows up into an adult with greater intellectual abilities. This is why children are encouraged earlier in their lives to always read their books by their parents and teachers in school. Practice makes perfect so even if it is something casual, start little and in no time a hunger for more demanding items like academic textbooks will arise.

Covering lots of books makes the brain sharp. This is because nothing else stimulates the brain like carrying a book to read. The brain gets involved in some kinds of work such as creating images and imagining situations that are not in the real world. This increases a person's skills for solving very complex problems.

If you teach your children to read before the age of three, they will never get tired of doing so when they grow older. Such children will not need a lot of parental guidance because from the books they read, they tend to know what is good and bad for them. You won't have to educate them on career choices before they know what they can do best. An early determination of a child's career path can increase his level of success.

To be prepared ahead of time means getting all the known facts about a situation before it comes. This is only possible with a person who reads in season and out of season. A medical doctor for example will be more equipped to handle certain kinds of operations if he has been studying them before an emergency arises.

Increasing one's appetite for books reduces one's chances of making mistakes. This is because more experiences are gathered about how people can get affected by taking certain actions. As one already knows certain precautions to take based on people's experiences, it becomes possible to live a happier and healthier life. For example, people could quit smoking if they find out that it causes cancer and respiratory disorders.

Those who read also find it easier to carry people along. They know how to be appealing in their actions and speech because they know how the people they live with behave under certain conditions. This makes them better leaders and more successful orators.

Books appear to be the most rewarding item for leisure. With a book, one can save money and yet use time wisely unlike when one is involved in some kind of outdoor sport or event. Studying is cheap but rewarding; everyone is encouraged to do so as much as they have the time.

About the Author:

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