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الاثنين، 23 يناير 2017

Pros Of Online Professional Development For Teachers

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:24 ص
By Nancy Anderson

When learning, it is usually easier when the learner does not have a job or an alternative task they are to perform. However, when with alternative tasks, they will find e Learning as the most convenient learning method for their situation rather than the physical classes. Online Professional development for teachers is thus a recommended e Learning service due to the factors explained herein.

Learning while teaching teacher gets a flexible learning schedule. For a teacher who has to balance learning and studying at the same time, this is very convenient as they can allocate their schedules to ensure that they preform both activities without affecting the other. They are thus able to learn while teaching at the same time which is very convenient.

The internet offers a wide pool of options that a learner can choose from to help them in their learning. The learning materials are either video, audio but most of them are usually textual materials example PDF documents. The learning materials are often research or learning books. With such variety of learning materials to use, the e Learning becomes a convenient way to learn.

Another added advantage of learning using the internet is the fact that one can use it anywhere. The teacher is thus able to maximize the available time they have to teach and learn at the same time through using the web to learn at any opportunity they have. For example, the teacher just needs to connect to the web to study even while traveling.

Another advantage of learning online is the fact that the learners tend to pay less for the whole learning experience. This is because using the internet to learn also the learners to access the various learning materials easily and cheaply as compared to learning in classes which involve buying or renting books at a price. The travelling expenses to attend classes are also nonexistent.

E-Learning, however, also has some disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is the fact that most of the learning involves reading documents. Very few sound and video clips are available to help in the learning. This can be highly inconveniencing for people who prefer learning through listening thus the use of online classes is a disadvantage to them.

The flexibility of the learning schedules can turn to be disadvantaged if not managed properly. This happens when the learners fail to properly schedule their learning periods thus end up studying less than required. This results in failure in the course due to e Learning and poor time management skills. Such learners are thus advised to enroll in classes instead.

After noting the above advantages, some learners will realize that using the internet to learn is their best option. However, this method is not suitable for all as later explained in the article. The classes method is thus the better option for some learners example those who learn easily through listening rather than reading. The convenience of the e learning, however, cannot be ignored.

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