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الأربعاء، 17 مايو 2017

Tips In Having Religious Lesson Plans For Kids

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:23 ص
By Andrew Russell

If you have volunteered as a Sunday school teacher for younger kids you have to be ready for what is coming next. These kids are not that easy to deal with therefore it is important if you came up with religious lesson plans. Their concentration level is low so find them some things that can keep them busy for some time. It will help them listen to the word more.

Take time to know these children. They want to feel connected to you and that can happen if you show the same kind of interest. Since they have tags you can make it a routine that people introduce themselves sand say their age. That does not only make them enjoy but also feel some sense of belonging and also feel like someone really does care.

Kids learn fast but you have to come up with a plan early. Do not walk into that room with specific questions and answers. Using drawings and charts so that they can understand better. Do not go into that room organized with what you want to be discussing. Kids too can pitch ideas so be there when they do and put that into another advertisement.

The small activities that you despise occupy the biggest space in their hearts. They need to colour Moses and they also need to cut out the burning bush. Let them have fun as they also learn as it becomes easy to deal with them. What they do should relate with the prepared for and it should be one of the most interesting days for them.

There should be music breaks for them since the best way to remember something they learnt is by singing it in a song. Teach them some new dance moves and let them practice for minutes before they can go away. Do not be too rigid onto some topics as that will affect how the child see their Christian life and whether they enjoy or not.

Most of these children follow your lead. If you seem like you do not know what you are doing or saying these kids will lose confidence in you. Also make sure you are conversant with what you are teaching otherwise you will have wasted your time and energy. Try to go with a clear head so that the kids too remain positive.

Let these kids know that the teachings do not only apply only in church and that they should make the part of their daily lives. Be sweet and try not to sound like you are commanding otherwise they will hate going to church since it will star feeling like a bad place. Let them know that the church is a place they can make their place for giving thanks.

If you want to know if what was taught sank in see what they have learnt. Comfortably ask the kid to tell you about the favourite part of the day and what they would love done or taught in school. Enjoy a snack together as you wait for the parent. That helps in keeping them busy until the parent arrives and the kids stay safe.

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