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الاثنين، 10 يوليو 2017

Must Know About Dr Philip Hickman

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:27 ص
By Stephen Ellis

As kids grow older there is always someone they look out for depending on the careers they want to purse in future. Dr Philip Hickman is that kind of a man best known for educating people to adopt a free open education system. He is a believer in education who is not only an education technological expert but also holds a degree in psychology.

After he was elected to head Columbus municipal school his goal was to find ways of finding suitable ways to help the students learn easily. That goal has not been achieved easily since there has been a lot of challenges along the way. He is a believer that with technology everything is achievable especially when it comes to opening channels for kids.

Sometimes where you come from determines the kind of a place you wind up. Not in all cases but in a case like his that statement would make a lot of sense. His father collected computers and brought them back home while his mother was a school teacher. The background prepared him for the role of a superintended and a leader.

Some people still feel like he is not preparing the students enough to grasp the opportunities available but truth is there are some things school leaders can learn from him. He has tried to get rid of text book reading system and order invest more in innovative technological ideas. He has tried to push for the benefits of investing in learning software.

When you are chosen to lead people expect to see some leadership skills being utilized. Despite the fact that he had been seem as a leader who would bring change to the school due to his ideologies there were times he made some pretty bad decisions. Like appointing Fredrick Hill to be the principal of the school despite the fact that Hill had been fired from his previous job.

When you hold a post in an organization to make sure that the hiring process is fair there is a rule that you should refrain from hiring relatives. However at one point he recommended hiring of the uncle to his wife to the board. When question he said it was purely a recommendation a statement he contracted during an interview stating that he intended to have him hired.

A leader is bound to take risks and in as much as Philip has made some bad choices he has also taken some serious risks to benefit his students. That is something other leaders of other schools who should not be afraid of taking a contract that seems to work for them. If it has worked with other schools it can also work with you.

When his work is done he will still be remembered in history for both the good and bad decisions he made. He is a true definition and representation that technology and education go hand in hand and if it was to work for all schools things would be amazing. It is a way to help students learn using their own speed which is way better for most of them.

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