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الخميس، 10 أغسطس 2017

What You Should Know About Menopause Treatment Roanoke

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:19 ص
By Larry Kelly

Menopause is a tough transition in the lives of women. During this natural process, the production of estrogen decreases, the ovaries stop making ova and menstruation comes to an end. If you do not get periods for twelve consecutive months and there is no other medical reason for this, then you have reached menopause. It usually happens after women attain the age of forty five.

The menopausal symptoms that you can experience include a change in period patterns, loss of hair, vaginal dryness, trouble focusing and the inability to sleep well at night. Other symptoms include a flushed complexion, fuzzy thinking, tenderness of the breasts, irritability, forgetfulness and gaining weight. Some menopausal women experience many problems during this stage and they can find relief by seeking treatment. If they undergo menopause treatment Roanoke dwellers can reduce the discomfort experienced during this stage.

Coming up with a comprehensive menopause treatment is not a simple task. Most women believe that they can effectively deal with the problems they are facing by combining lifestyle, medical and herbal treatments. Some women opt for a single treatment. In order to select the right therapy, women should discuss the issue with their doctor.

One of the effective treatments for menopause is hormone replacement therapy, abbreviated as HRT. It is usually prescribed to supply the body with the hormones it does no longer produce. Typically, HRT consists of a progestin and estrogen supplement that can be taken orally or administered in the form of a gel or patch. Estrogen prevents vaginal dryness, hot flashes and osteoporosis.

When used individually, estrogen can raise the risk of suffering from cancer of the uterus or endometrial cancer. Progestin thwarts the risk that estrogen poses. Nonetheless, progestin and estrogen both cause side effects like headaches, bloating, breast swelling and pain. You may also have an artificial menstrual period depending on the dosage you are on. If you had undergone a hysterectomy, you can use estrogen alone.

Some menopausal symptoms can be treated using plant based products such as soy in the form of a powder or a pill. Women can also incorporate natural phytoestrogens and estrogens in their diet. Black cohosh and flaxseed can also relieve these symptoms. Black cohosh can effectively be used to eliminate hot flashes, vaginal dryness and night sweats for a period of six months or less.

Another natural therapy for menopausal symptoms is acupuncture. Research has shown that women who receive acupuncture had less serious mood swings and hot flashes compared to those who received placebos. Acupuncture also reduces anxiety and corrects hormonal imbalances. Increasing the intake of fiber and water is also helpful. It can help increase the levels of estrogen in your body, which can prevent bladder problems and vaginal dryness.

You may also avoid some menopausal symptoms by exercising and being conscious about the foods you eat. This will help you to deal better with stress, anxiety and depression after reaching menopause. Yoga is recommended by many health professionals due to the controlled breathing and relaxation techniques involved. These techniques can enhance your spirit and physical body. They can also ease pains and aches associated with menopause such as neck pain and back pain.

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