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الأحد، 26 نوفمبر 2017

Tips For Countering Prejudice And Ageism In The Workplace

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:02 ص
By Amy Collins

Once upon a time, people would take a job with a company, work there for forty years, and retire with benefits. Today there are plenty of older workers who find themselves looking for work instead of planning their retirement. No employer can even hint that age is a factor when an individual is turned down for a job, but the harsh reality is that ageism in the workplace is alive and well.

Many employers assume that the younger generation has a lock when it comes to understanding the latest technology. Older workers often embrace new ways to work smarter and faster though. If you feel intimidated by new computer programs, taking a course at a technical school or community college will give you some confidence.

The first impression you make on an interviewer may be your only chance to get your foot in the door of a company. Showing up ill groomed or late will send a clear message, and not the one you want. Extreme makeup and trendy piercings aren't appropriate on anyone being interviewed, and certainly not on someone of a certain age. Often looking your best is just a matter of diet, exercise, and eight hours of sleep.

You shouldn't be shy about marketing yourself. Older workers have a lot of experience to offer employers. Companies sometimes are concerned that people who have been in the workforce will expect to be paid more than less experienced individuals. This is a natural expectation but you might counter it by offering to accept short term assignments, part time hours, or specific consulting jobs.

If you continue to have trouble, you may want to consider becoming your own boss. Starting a business doesn't have to require huge influxes of cash to get going. If you have a hobby or interest with commercial appeal, you could try selling your product online instead of investing in a storefront. It could take off and become a full time enterprise.

You may have to be creative in your job search. When you don't find anything in your field, consider something related. You could start off volunteering or working as an intern in order to get your foot in the door of a company that interests you. This will help you keep your skills up to date and may get you noticed by someone who can be beneficial with something more permanent.

When you have been called in to interview for a position, be sure your resume is current and professional. Researching the company and the position in question, prior to the interview, is a good idea. You will be prepared to ask intelligent questions and present yourself as the best choice for the job.

Maintaining an upbeat attitude is crucial during your job search. It may be difficult, but giving up is not a solution. Countering age prejudice is an uphill battle, but there are employers who value experience and maturity.

About the Author:

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