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الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2018

Ideas On Avoiding Estrogen Mimicking Chemicals

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:16 ص
By Dorothy Graham

The way your body functions can be simply altered by any introduction of foreign substances in your systems be it in form of fluids or solids. This should make you want to be aware of what you ingest or how you treat your body in general. For instance, you should know that Avoiding Estrogen Mimicking Chemicals should be one of your ultimate goals in life.

These substances tend to work exactly as the estrogen component that you have in your body hence the word mimic. You will be surprised at the many products that have these substances put into them to boost their functionality. Items such as food colors and flavors have been discovered to have these additives in large quantities which are dangerous to your system.

Naturally, you already have the estrogen component in your body which is in the correct amount for its purpose. The increase or introduction of other foreign type of substances trying to play the role of the estrogen in your body will lead to some health disasters. Increased quantities lead to illnesses such as breast cancer and affects sperm production as well in men.

With time, you will realize that there are so many negative effects caused by the ingestion of these chemicals either by eating or through our skins. This should lead you to coming up with strategies that will help you take note of what you are taking. You can start by being conscious of what you purchase and the products you use in your house by reading the ingredient labels.

At times, you may find that you are used to taking canned foods, buying water stored in plastic bottles and reusing them for too long or even purchasing vegetables that have already been cut and packed in plastic paper bags. Such items are usually found in supermarkets which many people prefer buying from. It would be in your best interest to change and do more shopping of fresh fruits and vegetables in open air markets and avoid continuous use of plastic containers.

Taking care of your skin is important, especially with the numerous skin care products available in the stores. As earlier said, these chemicals can also be found in body lotions, soaps and sunscreens which many people prefer to use. Therefore, it would be best if you switch to using more friendly products such as organic oils that have been handmade and ones which you are aware of their ingredients.

While grooming your compound or making plants grow, you may want to use pesticides and insecticides to keep of harmful insects. Some also use weed killers to remove or stop the growth of unwanted plants. If you are not keen to note the continuous use of these chemicals that contain the foreign estrogen, will find your way into your body system through the other means if you spray them on the plants that you will later eat.

With the availability of the internet, you have a better opportunity to keep yourself updated about what other commodities you should keep away from. This will increase your chances of being a step ahead and being in charge of your health. Finding alternatives such as organic and natural products should do the trick too.

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