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الاثنين، 29 أكتوبر 2018

Guidelines On Giving Horse Wormers

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:28 ص
By Cynthia Snyder

Domestic animals require to be dewormed after a certain period of time which helps in getting rid of parasites that have an effect on their well-being. In spite of this, the animals are resisting certain active elements which are a major problem. This can be resolved by using the correct worming plan and drug. Here are a number of tips on horse wormers which you should read to do treatment rightfully.

The first step you should take as a farmer is determining the level of worms in the horses. This is very easy as there are a number of tests that can be done. The first one is fecal egg count. This test indicates levels of adult roundworms that produce eggs. It is normally carried after three to four months and can identify animals with higher burdens which require treatment. The test is useful in identifying the animals showing resistance to treatment.

Other tests that can be done are blood and saliva tests. A blood test is able to identify tapeworm infections. A high positive outcome acquired is an indication that the animal is highly infected and should be treated right away. A lower positive outcome is an indication of lower infections hence giving dewormers is not necessary. Saliva tests may include, analyzing the saliva taken. This procedure is quite cheap and is able to effortlessly fit in the plan you are using.

It is important you give treatment only when it is needed. This is because they have grown with the parasites and therefore a smaller burden will not harm their health. Uncovering a smaller number of them to drugs can greatly encourage resistance which can be a challenge. You should follow the deworming plan to prevent such issues.

The correct dose should be given at all times. Under-dosing leads to resistance whereas overdosing is not beneficial. The weight of the horses will help you determine the amounts that should be given. A weighing tape is normally used in determining the weight. When giving the correct dosage, tablets are preferred as compared to the liquid dewormers since the animals tend to spit out some of it which can result in under-dosing.

When switching the dewormers after a season, ensure that you switch the active ingredient and not the brand. This is the best solution in treating horses that have grown resistance. In addition, always consult a vet who can tell you if the active ingredient you are about to use is resistant in your area. This information helps you to rightfully decide.

It is very important for you to reduce the frequency of giving dewormers. Do this by making use of drugs with a longer dosing gap. Also, by counting eggs in the feces, you can effectively treat those that require treatment by confirming that eggs present in the feces exceed two hundred per single gram.

Learn to regularly remove droppings from shelters and their pasture. By doing this, you are removing almost all worms which managed to survive treatment. Such worms have the ability to become resistant after a while to the type of drug you are using. By removing them, you are preventing them in reinfecting your horses since they will not be capable to complete their life cycle.

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