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الجمعة، 28 أبريل 2017

An Excerpt About Previous Occurrences During Leaving Homes As Highlighted In Personal Memoirs Examples

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:08 ص
By Virginia Lee

It is never easy for one to leave their loved ones behind. The happy memories that are usually associated with one abode are not easy to erase or forget, and this is what makes leaving home harder. Personal memoirs examples are written in nostalgia to help an individual access the memories of individuals that they left behind.

The last meal that an individual had while preparing to leave home was always very memorable. The dinner that was usually attended by all members of the family and a few close friends was usually emotional. Tears would be shed especially if one was going to away for long periods of time.

During the period of preparations to leave home, past transgressions against family and grudges held by friends were quickly forgiven. Love and moral support were usually available in abundance since no one had any idea if they would meet again. The uncertainty that was attached to these travels helped mend many broken fences.

Packing bags was a tedious and slow process, and occasionally, parents would drop in to check on an individual and offer words of encouragement and tit bits of advice on how to tackle life when away from home. In retrospect, the process was slow since at the back of one mind, leaving close friends and relatives was not easy.

There was also the excitement that hit ones like a wave on learning that they were leaving home to go to a new geographical location with new people, new cultures, and different scenery. To avoid hurting the individuals who were left behind, one had to be sure to bottle all the excitement inside.

Parents were the ones who were hit by leaving home hardest. Sometimes if the journey that one was undertaking were too long, they would try to change an individual mind by trying to convince one to choose a destination that was closer to home. Lots of advice both practical and impractical was offered, and one had to take it all in without too many arguments.

Catching up with friends and making plans on what to do on seeing each other again was a fun part. Most friends were exuberant that one was going to start a new chapter in their lives and to explore new corners of the world. It was interesting that some friends encouraged one to mistakes such as falling in love with the wrong person just for fun.

Saying goodbye to the people assembled during the actual day that one was leaving home was the hardest and saddest part. As reality sunk that one was leaving, tears would flow freely as hugs and kisses were exchanged. All parties present made promises to keep in touch, and as the vehicle ferrying one to their destination pulled away, one would be filled with thoughts of what the future held.

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