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الجمعة، 21 أبريل 2017

Suggestions From Educators Concerning Professional Development For Teachers

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:30 ص
By Catherine Hayes

Teaching is one of the most important professions in the world. For most of the year, children are in the care of these educators. Parents expect them to comfort, console, befriend, and discipline their charges in addition to teaching them everything they need to know to become successful and productive citizens. This may be an impossible job, but many dedicated individuals attempt it daily and wouldn't do anything else. In order to give them the best tools available, to make the work easier and more effective, professional development for teachers training is implemented.

It can be very frustrating for educators sitting in a seminar or training class to listen to an intelligent speaker, with advanced degrees and articles published in education journals, who has never worked in a classroom. One of the fundamental requests of educators attending these types of functions is that they be conducted by individuals who know firsthand the struggles and problems they face each day.

Theories on how children develop and the different ways they learn is not something that interests all those in the teaching profession. There are individuals who are more concerned about practical applications believing theories are not for those who have to deal with everyday classroom situations. Understanding underlying causes of behavior, and the theories behind them, can have practical uses for those who are open to considering them.

Nobody goes into teaching for the money and recognition. Most enter the profession because they love children and want to teach them the joy and excitement that comes with learning new things. These educators attend seminars and training sessions hoping to learn skills that will make them better in a classroom and more effective at communicating ideas.

Another problem these individuals have with some training seminars is the temptation some leaders give in to when it comes to ideas that need years to develop before they are effective. An educator has limited time with an age group before it moves into the next grade. They need practices they can put in place immediately.

When they spend their own time going to seminars or teaching sessions, educators need to feel that the subjects discussed are relevant to their situation. If they are not, the time has been wasted. Seminars and classes should be targeted to specific groups and the subjects should be meaningful.

Professionals who spend their time in a classroom are often frustrated by an administration that they feel does not have the best interest of their children at heart. Classroom educators invariably suggest administration officials be required to attend teaching seminars to hear and get firsthand information about how the decisions they make in their offices affect the classroom.

Individuals who choose teaching in a classroom, with all the challenges and problems they face, should be given the most effective tools possible to do their jobs. Listening to their suggestions about the best way to do that is important.

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