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الأحد، 17 ديسمبر 2017

Strategies On How To Minimize Tailgating

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:17 ص
By Michelle Hayes

Despite the fact that few cases of unauthorized have been witnessed lately, the habit has not died totally. Actually, criminals who practice this habit have invented a new technique which they use to access unrestricted places. This technique entails someone following you as you enter your authorization card and entering with you when the door opens. It is trending under the name tailgating. You can prevent it through a range of techniques below being the main ones.

Introduce the use of visitor badge. Create unique badges that each authorized visitor in your premise will need to wear. Make sure the badge is printed uniquely to avoid duplications. By so doing, you will help reduce the threats resulting from unknown individuals getting into your premises and interfering with your company operations.

Invest in best quality video surveillance systems. When you install these systems in your facility, they will serve the role of preventing unauthorized access and theft. They work to record all the actions of everyone who goes into your company so that you will have an easier time detecting a thief when a robbery occurs.

Set one room which should be used as a reception and hire the right people for the job. You must ensure that the office is just a few minutes away from the gate. Customize the reception to be the only gate people can use to penetrate into your business. When you do so, it will be impossible for unauthorized individuals to enter into your business premise.

Install a high-quality managed access control system. The availability of this system in your facility will ensure that nobody even your employees will have the chance to access areas they are not authorized to. The good thing with access system is that it makes sure that the issue of people entering places they are not supposed to go is completed abolished.

Hire well-trained security guards. Having a guard at the entry point to your firm will ensure that only those authorized will pass the entry gate towards your company. Ensure such people have armed and well-trained to deal with thieves in case they turn out hostile.

Get the use of biometrics introduced in your company. Not every employee is always careful not to share their credentials with outsiders. So, for you to make sure that the issue with people entering places they must not enter is abolished; you must ensure you introduce using biometrics in your facility.

Ensure each of your workers gets to know the security threats of allowing people they do not know to enter the company secret areas. Set special dates when all employees will get proper training on how to keep every room that is supposed to be kept secret a secret and avoid allowing outsiders in. When every employee is well trained on this subject matter, the issue of people entering unauthorized places will be avoided. It will as well ensure people get to know why they should not share credentials something that will result in fewer cases when burglars enter your premises unidentified.

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