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الأحد، 24 ديسمبر 2017

The Kids Self Defense Classes Fayetteville GA Instructors Teach Emphasize Making Smart Choices

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:34 ص
By Gary Cox

Not knowing where a child is must be every parent's worst nightmare. Even if they end up safe and sound, parents never forget and can get nervous just letting their youngsters leave for the bus stop. The anxiety doesn't let up until the children are safely back home. In an effort to give children the resources they need, if they are ever confronted by a predator, many are considering the kids self defense classes Fayetteville GA youth clubs are offering.

Some parents may have initial misgiving about their children taking a self defense class. They assume that the emphasis will be on the best ways to fight off an attacker. This is not the case however. These programs teach children that confronting someone directly with fists or feet is the last resort. Instead the instructors tell youngsters to use their heads and trust their instincts. If they can run away, that's what they should do.

Another important aspect of these programs is teaching young people how they can deescalate a volatile situation. There are several ways to do this, but instructors often use attempted robbery as an example. They will tell kids that if someone wants their money, their backpack, or their lunch, to just left them have it. Not resorting to anger or aggression and walking away, if possible, is the ideal solution.

Instructors teach youngsters the ways to avoid getting into risky situations. Paying attention to their surroundings is the first rule. It is always a good idea to choose places to play that are open, well lighted, and inhabited by other people. Areas where there is a lot of vegetation, buildings with stairwells and inset doorways are places where predators can easily hide.

Older children, who might be out after dark, are advised to always walk in groups. It might not seem cool, but letting at least one adult know where they are and when they'll be back is extremely important for their safety. A cell phone can make all the difference when it comes to child safety. Instructors tell students that it's great to enjoy a party, but if kids are doing things they shouldn't be doing, leaving immediately or calling someone to come and get them is the smartest choice.

Public transportation can be safer than walking in many cases. Instructors point out that sitting as close as possible to the driver is a good idea. Sleeping or using ear plugs on buses can make children vulnerable to thieves. Maintaining a confident air can persuade an assailant to choose another victim.

Physical defense is a part of these classes. Instructors show young students the best moves to catch an assailant off guard. These techniques emphasize skill, common sense, and quick thinking more than physical strength. These classes are designed to build self confidence and discipline.

Parents want their children to be safe. In today's world that includes being smart and aware of their surroundings. It means thinking quickly and maintaining self-control.

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