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الثلاثاء، 26 مارس 2019

Subjective Goal Of The Ground Testing And Components Of It

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:06 ص
By Andrew Ross

They say that it is good be grounded. The structures that is properly grounded systems of electric are crucial in case of safety for the equipment and people, it would give current from utility overvoltage or lightning strike. The complex or the simple grounding systems would require the ground testing in ensuring the readiness.

Those that ensure the installation meets the required specification and the people that would make sure it would meet the grounding standards. The electrical system would need low impedance way in grounding for protection of people and the equipment. And the second is because of deteriorate and that it does their performance.

In testing the level grounds in the system, you have to measure its resistance that is between the ground connection and the earth. That would not be straightforward at it looks like. The results would be approximation even though one would be dealing it with the precise measurements. Those variables which affect measurements could and would do in changing the readings.

In example for that is that he should not do resistance test after major rainfall outcomes would be favorable overly. The person would want to repeat the test in dry land like yesterday rather than in wet land. One must understand on ways in doing the test correctly and the points of the measurement to be selected.

Using variety of ground electrodes would provide another path in lowering the ground resistance. In more than electrode would driven in ground and then connected on parallel in lowering resistance. Additional electrodes in effectivity, spacing of the additional steel should least equal in depth of driven rod. Then increasing diameter of ground electrode very effect lowering resistance. You would double diameter of ground electrode and the resistance could decrease in ten percent.

The bonds or connections would be loosened over time. Wrong materials that was used in forming the initial connection could fail in even after adequate previously. The corrosion could damage those connectors and rods. In extreme case, the chemicals that were contained in dissolved rods which has fully tested in installation.

Correct equipment and methods should used in producing right data to the system. Clamp on exam or the stake less method would enable the testing in easier and faster way. But it must never be used in measuring the resistance of the soil. That technique is not recommended in complex systems of grounding that has metallic loop.

During last decade, new technology has appeared in market, in form of clamp on tester. That devices were developed for improving the convenience and speed of the exam. Fall in potential exam could labor time and labor intensive consuming. The expedient methods would still require one in straining drive and leads probes. You just have to clamp over ground rod then take the reading. That convenience both be drawback and advantage.

Clamp in tester ground could be indispensable tool. However, its simplicity could also lead in trouble. A lot of end users have tended in clamping around convenient point then take away reading without any question. The outcome is becoming unwelcome in some industry. The user must test the equipment in principle of the operation in where it would not and will work.

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