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الأحد، 24 مارس 2019

What Is The Use And Meaning Of Karkar Oil?

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:27 ص
By Linda Cook

Nowadays, there seems to be a product for fast growth hair that everyone always about talking. At start of year, almost like hair wonder. Now, the karkar oil is trending along with the chebe powder. Those hair care materials that has spread widely was used by the Sudanese women.

In sense of thought that beyond repair might need just good oil and massage. There is store brought essence oil that might blended in mineral oils and the chemical preservatives that end up may doing more of harm than the good. In trying to make the hair oil in home with the organic ingredients for problems like hair fall or damaged hair.

The hair care goods from the Sudan which consists variety of many ingredients. And according in some site, the karkar oils are combination of the sesame oil that is heated with the honey bee wax, perfume and animal fat added to mixture. That mixture would be believed in thickening the hair and remove the dandruff then also stopping hair fall.

Bring those it boils then reduce flame then let mixture be simmer in very slowly till all water would evaporates. Then after that is done one would see oil would appear transparent and yellow. It is done, one should strain residual o lube il and immediately be store in container or in bottle from the direct sunlight.

They chop some leaves. Then heat cup of the coconut oil and then add chopped leaves and or powder in the oil. She has to heat that mixture for five minutes, then add those fenugreek seeds. After that, turn off those heat and allow those to cool, strain those mixture and then store that in container. Straining its mixture then storing it, apply oil in massage gently for some nourished scalp.

The gray hair would be the problem then the solution is curry leaves great for the people. It leaves in helping in restoring the melanin, pigment which gives the hair the natural black color. It is rich in vitamin B the curry leaves boost also in hair growth. The coconut oil in other hand would make the hair strong. For that one need handful of the curry leaf and around three to four tablespoons of oil of coconut.

The oil and the powder are magical moisturizing and strengthening hair mixture. It is ancient method that origins from the African countries Sudan and Chad that is used in managing and growing strand. Those will be blended with the herbs and aids in retention length and reduced the breakage, it makes hair into long, soft and thick.

The oil should be blend via taking oils in saucepan then heating them for few seconds. One should apply that warn mix on the hair and scalp in even. You should massage it for around ten minutes then let those oil sit in about one hour. Then wash the hair with regular water and shampoo. Ensure that one does not overheat that pomade that would lose the nutrients in the pomade.

There two things that all these methods acquire in common. Firstly, one should do test on strand of the strand and watch if one would have allergic reaction in one of ingredients, instances that it has one should abandon these methods. Then do never let those powder get into the scalp it may cause the irritation and more dandruff in prolonged use. The natural remedy swept nation and continue in making the waves in beauty community.

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