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الثلاثاء، 28 فبراير 2017

Expert Advice On Fast Reading

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:28 ص
By Betty Fisher

Speed as you read enables you to cover more work within a short time. At the beginning, it appears difficult to understand the content, but with practice, everything becomes clear. Fast reading could mean skimming through, thorough coverage or scanning. Each has its uses in different scenarios to deliver the results expected. How do you achieve speed as you read?

Do not talk as you read. There is a tendency to sub-vocalize words, phrases and sentences. This has a negative effect on your speed considering that muscles react slower than your brains. While vocalizing helps in memorizing, it slows you down. To keep your lips still, hold a finger over them. Chewing or humming a song may also work though not as effective. It keeps your lips occupied.

Cover areas already read. Your eyes tend to revisit these areas. This is through short movements that are viewed to be harmless but greatly affect your speed. By concealing the areas you have read, you have a chance to concentrate. Remember that the mind will pull you back to the area covered if it did not understand or is trying to build connections. As such, returning could be a signal to slow down in order to understand better.

Eye movements are an important factor in determining speed. It is impossible to read while they are moving. They have to stop for you to read. As such, you should increase the amount of words read during each stop. Make the stops as short as possible without skipping some words. Skipping means that you will not understand what you read.

What is your reason for covering the text? Reasons range from grasping content to plucking certain words, numbers or phrases. You may also want to read in order to get an idea of what the passage is about. There are different techniques that will affect your speed. Academicians have to concentrate on each word and phrase. To extract words, phrases or numbers from a text, skimming will help. To get an idea of what the text is about, you need to scan.

Practice is needed like every other skill. If your intention is to improve vocalization speed, practice it. For internal comprehension, you must practice in silence. Use a timer and count the number of words covered in a particular duration. Make effort to reduce the time taken to cover a certain number of words. You will gradually master speed, articulation and comprehension.

Avoid all distractions. Concentration is important if speed is to be achieved. Choose a quiet place with the least distraction. Music, a movie running, a messenger in sight, conversations taking place, etc will affect how fast you read. Ensure that your mind is calm before you begin reading. This enables you to concentrate on the text you are covering and thus increase your speed.

There are apps and software to assist you with speed. You may use them depending on your target. Endeavor to gain skills that can be applied across different platforms like conversations, reading, presentations, etc. Like all other skills in life, practice will make perfect.

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