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الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2017

Some Info Before Visiting A French Bulldog Breeder WA

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:15 ص
By Jerry Long

French bulldogs are becoming more popular, and you may have taken a liking to this breed. So much so that you are now willing to go to the nearest French Bulldog Breeder WA now that you are living in Seattle WA Before you do so, take time to read on in this article about this breed of dog.

This breed is popularly called frenchie in short, and when compared to the English bulldog, the frenchie is definitely much smaller. It has a rounder and more compact body with smaller legs, while it also sports a more bat like appearance due to its ears that are always erect.

In terms of how people view its overall energy level, they usually rate it as a medium in terms of activity and rambunctiousness. Despite this fairly high energy rating, this breed is also quite content just lazing around and not moving like its English counterpart. Thus one can say it may be a candidate as one of the more perfect indoor dogs, as you can keep it in small living spaces as what you would find in urban residential settings. Despite this however, do make sure it gets at least a thirty minute walk everyday.

As this breed possesses a compact airway that is coupled with a pug nose, it will have the peculiar inability to regulate its internal body temperature. This basically means that it will have a hard time to keep its internal body core at a constant temperature in extreme temperatures, which are present in extreme climates like sub arctic and tropical climes. Thus it is best that you keep this dog if you yourself live in a temperate region. Extreme temperatures have been known to be deadly for this dog.

In terms of lifespan it is quite short lived in terms of years, averaging only about 8 to 10 years. However, with the proper care and maintenance plus nutrition advice from you vet, you make be able to eke out a few more years. Also take note that as it ages, it will develop eye cataracts that you must attend to immediately.

When you do decide to get one prepare to give it a lot of attention or it will perform the French death yodel. It is a long ululating sound that is quite eerie to listen to, and the dog produces this when it feels that it is not getting all the attention it needs. Many owners will say that it demands 1000 percent of your attention all of the time so be prepared to give it all the care and love that you can muster.

This dog is also quite safe to keep it around other small animals and also small children. This is because when compared to the English variety, it does not have alpha male tendencies, and actually it sports more of a motherly protection towards those that it cares for.

When you finally do visit a breeder then make a good ocular inspection of what is going on in the compound. See if the animals are well kept and clean and taken cared of. Also try to gauge the attitude of the breeder and see if he or she is in the business not purely for profit but they also do genuinely care for the animals, which is an attitude absent in a puppy mill.

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