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الأحد، 19 فبراير 2017

The Challenges That You Might Face When Planting Thuja Green Giants

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:18 ص
By John Meyer

Planting trees is important, and it plays a significant role in the environment. However, when it comes to planting a tree, there are many things that you need to think about like the species, the environment, and the purpose that it is supposed to serve. Thuja Green Giants is a type of tree that has numerous benefits, but before you think about going into this venture, here are some of the drawbacks that you might get when planting this tree.

One of the things that most people fail to realize when they are planting this tree is how high and wide it can go. In fact, the mistakes that most people make when planting this tree is putting them too close. It is best to note that this is a type of tree that can grow 60 feet tall and around 15 feet in width. Thus, when transferring from the nursery to the garden one should put this in mind.

You will realize that most people prefer to grow these trees as compared to others due to its resistance to drought and heat. However, the tree will not do well in the daylight. For the best outcome, you should prepare a shade so as to protect it from too much sunlight. The tree is also known to dry up, and this will not give you the outcome you expect it. With the shade, this will not happen, and it is the right way of protecting it.

If you want to plant it in your formal gardens, you should be prepared to do more work than expected. However, this is not the same if you have open area since the place will look attractive and high. The trees required the right space for them to give you the appearance you want.

When it comes to pest, the tree can resist many of them. However, it is known that bagworms can have some serious effect on the tree. Bagworms are insects that look like a bag and have a unique appearance. When they invade your garden, it will not have a great look, and it is good to get rid of them. Whenever you notice the insects, it is required that you find the best solutions for eliminating them to give your garden that you deserve.

In case you find that the bagworm has spread on the tree especially the tall once, it might be hard to remove all of them of spray the pesticide. Thus, the best option that you have is to make sure that you have hired a specialist to deal with this situation. This is another extra cost that you have to deal with.

The other thing that you need to be ready to deal with when you plant this tree is the scale. This is an insect pest that is known to form colonies that are scaly white on the branches and the twigs. The scale does not harm the trees but encourages the growth of molds. Thus, you will have to make sure that you treat it on time.

Though there are many benefits that you will enjoy when you plant the green giants, you need to keep the following downsides in mind so that you can be prepared. At times, if you are not sure about what you are dealing with, it is best that you hire an expert.

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