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الأربعاء، 27 يونيو 2018

Characteristics Of A Good Storyteller Tx Residents May Wish To Know

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:04 ص
By Marie Edwards

Storytelling is a concept that has always captured the minds of many whether male or female, young or old. As long as the story is captivating and appropriate for the audience, a storyteller will always have fun every time they make a presentation. These are just but a few characteristics of a good storyteller Tx people may find useful.

The first thing required of such a person is to know the story they are telling like the back of their hand to keep listeners yearning for more. Not only does it give one confidence but also helps the narrator to enjoy their work. Telling a story that rings a bell in your day to day experiences enhances your confidence and way of narration. It keeps the mood interesting and ensures your thoughts are well arranged.

The start of any narration determines whether or not the people you are narrating to will listen to the rest of it. This should be the only time that one can memorize their lines without jeopardizing the rest of the story. The opening statement should make the audience curious to listen to the rest of the story.

Another crucial characteristic of a good is the ability to drive a point home without making unnecessary diversions. Keeping your mind focused helps to capture the attention of your audience better. The storyteller needs to find a good time to make diversions as this helps a lot in keeping the listeners alert in the game. It is, however, not advisable to stay in a diversion for too long.

Drama is the essence of good storytelling. Not only does it entertain the audience but the listeners can also resonate with the stories as they are presented before their very own eyes. An great narrator is one who has their dramatic skills fully sharpened. Dramatizing a concept in a story means describing characters therein in a way that can be felt by the listeners.

When all the points have been put across, it is important to have a great closing statement. Regardless of how impressed the crowd may be with the start and body of your presentation, the whole story becomes diluted if it does not have good closure. The audience should not be left with any gaps regarding a certain character or concept in the presentation.

Experience is usually an added advantage because the narrator is in a position to learn from their past mistakes. Storytelling is an art that benefits both the narrator and the listener. The listener benefits by being entertained and passing time in a constructive manner. The stories should therefore be moralistic and have the ability to leave listeners better people in society.

As the good old saying goes, experience is usually the best teacher. It is from experience that a narrator can tell what kind of topics their listeners are most interested in. The main objective in the end is to have listeners learn the intended lesson as they get entertained.

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