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الثلاثاء، 26 يونيو 2018

Reasons There Should Be Pre K For All In Astoria NY

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 1:16 ص
By Dorothy Cole

If you are a first time parent you probably have mixed feeling about sending your child off to school when he is only three or four. The cost can be prohibitive for parents who live in states that do not offer publicly funded preschool. Some argue kids are already growing up too fast. There is growing consensus that the pluses outweigh the negatives and there should be pre K for all in Astoria NY and everywhere else.

Most states make kindergarten a requirement. It is an important first step into the elementary academic world. Preschool is what kindergarten was a couple of decades ago. This is where most kids get their first introduction to science, literacy, and math in a relaxed and somewhat informal setting. Children have plenty of time to play alone or with their peers. Hopefully when they go to kindergarten the basics of classroom behavior will already have been learned.

Kids start learning social skills in preschool. The teachers are there to guide students and assist them in making good choices. They don't step in immediately when there is a minor conflict between peers. The teacher will watch carefully, and let the students resolve issues on their own, if possible. Involved parents need to partner with teachers and staff. They should read the daily reports they get and attend any scheduled meetings with the classroom teacher.

Preschool is not a place for totally unstructured play. Teachers are not babysitters. They are skilled professionals who know how to give young students choices in the activities in which they want to participate, but don't let children just wander aimlessly around the classroom all day. Structure is important, but it is not same type of control over curriculum and activities students will experience later on.

Preschool is a time when kids start learning to take responsibility for themselves. Teachers expect them to straighten up play areas, pick up toys, and help get tables ready for snack time. Circle time may their first experience with the concepts of listening without interruption, waiting for a turn to talk, and focusing their talk on the subject at hand.

Between the ages of three and five children's vocabulary can triple. Increasing language skills is emphasized in preschool. Teachers encourage the students to verbally express themselves. A lot of time is spent reading stories, singing songs, and acting out in plays. All of this fosters the development of logical thinking and language skills.

Most little kids love math and science, because they are not old enough to know better. Simple activities, like counting coins and growing plants from seeds, are great ways to encourage their natural curiosity. Literacy skills are also emphasized. Kids learn the alphabet song and sound out words together.

Kids who don't get to go to preschool are at a disadvantage when they begin their formal academic careers. This opportunity should not be open only to those who can afford it. Making sure kids are well educated is an investment in the future.

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