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الجمعة، 29 يونيو 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Sensory Therapy ADHD

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 12:22 ص
By Debra Scott

In the early stage of a child, parents are always glad to see their children grow healthy. Most children grow healthy with their mothers feeding them to grow. At this development stage, some children with Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder are noticed. The unhealthy condition is accompanied by symptoms such as being impatient, fidget, always in motion and being easily distracted. However, the condition is treatable by sensory therapy. This article is about sensory therapy ADHD.

This condition is unmanageable to find hence require keen observation by the parents and its necessary to take a child for diagnosis. If a child is diagnosed with this condition, sensory attention therapy is recommended. An occupational therapist is the professionals who will help the child address the condition thus helping them attend and learn how to interact with the environment. There are several programs and activities that an occupational therapist provide.

The therapist helps the child to improve the brain transmission of neurological signals from one area to another. This is achieved in several ways like providing vestibular, auditory, tactile and proprioceptive inputs. Equipment like balls, toys, brushes and other specialized designed therapeutic or recreational materials are used to provide these inputs. This treatment involves a combination of medication, counseling and behavior modification.

The children with this condition are taught how to self-regulate themselves. This is achieved by engaging the kid in activities that bring their brain activity up or down with accordance to their needs at a particular time. Music, dancing, bright lights and toys help to stimulate slow brain activity of a toddler. For instance, dancing makes the kid try to match the rhythm of the tones with his or her movement,

Besides, children can be exposed to peaceful activities to slow down their brain activity. This is done explicitly to those who have hyper-reactivity. Quiet music, squeezing of balls and reducing the intensity of lights effectively help the children relax. Rewards and good treats may also be used to encourage them to comply with the activities which they would typically avoid.

The specialist has also designed a sensory menu which will provide a kid with the type of stimulation that they need to remain vigilant and able to learn throughout the day. The activities involve movement activities such as jumping on a trampoline, carrying books, chairs, and heavy school bags. Other activities include wearing weighted vests for short periods of time playing tug of war or using a scooter board.

The medication is carried out in phases with steady reviews of the progress of a child and rectification are done to the activities. This is done to make sure that the brain of the kid becomes more organized during the day. Most therapy activities are also included in the school day to guarantee the focus for learning has remained. Parents and teachers who have kids with such conditions should be involved in the process since they live with them.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure a child with such conditions to be taken to auricular therapy. This process helps the child to relate to the environment and people effectively. Since the amount of research regarding the effectiveness of the treatment is limited and inconclusive, it is essential for the parents to know. Pediatricians and other clinicians should discuss, inform and teach parents on how to evaluate the process.

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